2023 Foundation Cup Junior Player Selections

Check out our juniors’ bios to chose your fourth group member! To reserve your junior golfer, contact Faith Bender at fbender@scga.org. Bios are updated as juniors confirm availability. 

Cameron Wei

Cameron Wei

Index: 9

9th Grade, Laurel Springs Academy Online

“My favorite SCGA Junior memory was going to a SCGA Play Day at Hilcrest CC. It was awesome to play at this beautiful but brutal course. I like plying with the mentors and learning so much about them and the course.”


Support Cameron!


Vince Arciaga

Vince Arciaga

Index: 3.4

7th Grade, Laurel Springs School

“My favorite memory is making my first birdie on a game day with SCGA Junior.”

Support Vince!

Kaelyn Yang

Kaelyn Yang

Index: 2.2

8th Grade, Stanford Online High School

“My favorite SCGA Junior memory is playing at the Los Angeles CC for the SCGA Junior Mentor Play Day. It was an unforgettable experience to play at such a challenging and beautiful course and to have the opportunity to get to know some of the members.”

Support Kaelyn!


Carolina Pedroza

Carolina Pedroza

Index: 10

11th Grade, Sage Oak Academy

“My favorite SCGA Junior memory was participating in a video shoot with golf friends at Don Knabe.”

Support Carolina!


Sanai Sharrod-Lambert

Sanai Sharrod-Lambert

Index: 7

Santa Monica Preparatory

“My favorite SCGA Junior memory is playing at LACC. Not only because of the members I played with and all the stories that were shared, but also for the fact that I was in a space with all my favorite people.”

Support Sanai!


Alysa Davis

Alysa Davis

Index: 10

11th Grade

“My favorite SCGA Junior memory is walking inside the ropes with Lexi Thompson at last year’s LPGA Palos Verdes Championship.”

Support Alysa!


Kendrick Tan

Kendrick Tan

Index: 1.5

11th Grade, Gretchen Whitney High School

“One of my favorite SCGA Junior memories is playing in a Play Day at Pelican Hill. I was able to play with and spend a lot of time with my dad at a beautiful golf course, and I met two new people in my group, who were great company and fun to play with.”

Support Kendrick!


Josiah Joseph

Josiah Joseph

Index: 7.2

12th Grade

“I have an enormous amount of memories from this program. However, one that sticks out would be the one club challenge at Don Knabe Golf Course. The event was very fun, and I ended up losing in a playoff to my friend Dallas and got second place.”

Support Josiah!


Jadon Aboganem

Jadon Aboganem

Index: 5.4

11th Grade, North Hollywood High School

“My favorite SCGA Junior memory was getting to play LACC twice within months and winning a new driver there. I’ve been invited to a few of the Play Days that the SCGA organizes, and they’re always fun and memorable experiences.”

Luke Johnson

Luke Johnson

Index: 3.3

Freshman, UCLA

“My favorite SCGA Junior memory is playing in the mentor Play Day at Palos Verdes Golf Club.”

Support Luke!


Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson

Index: 4.9

Freshman, Loyola Marymount University

“My favorite member at SCGA Junior is getting to play at Los Angeles Country Club for the Mentor Play Day.”

Support Michael!


Atticus Sajor

Atticus Sajor

Index: 6.0

10th Grade, Richard Gahr High School

“When I was about 7 years old there was a SCGA Junior community event at Pico Rivera. The first hole had a closest-to-the-pin challenge. I used my 6-iron 110 yards and won a towel for being closest to the pin, almost hitting a hole-in one.”

Alejandro Pedroza

Alejandro Pedroza

Index: 8

9th Grade

“My favorite SCGA Junior memory was making a hole-in-one at Los Angeles Country Club.”

Support Alejandro!


Judah Johnson

Judah Johnson

Index: 4.3

11th Grade, St. Monica Prep

“My top SCGA Junior memory would have to be playing at Bel Air Country Club for the Mentor Play Day.”

Support Judah!


Ayuka Yang

Ayuka Yang

Index: 3

10th Grade, Stanford Online High School

“One of my favorite SCGA Junior memories is playing in the Chevron Championship and Junior Pro-Am at Mission Hills CC. It was an incredible experience to be able to play such a beautiful course with LPGA Hall of Famer Amy Alcott and Donna Andrews and to make amazing friendships with other female golfers.”

Support Ayuka!


John Padilla

John Padilla

Index: 3.5

11th Grade, Cypress High School

“My favorite SCGA Junior memory is the Mentor Play Day at LACC this year. It was a great experience to see the golf course that would hold the U.S Open a few months later.”

Support John!


James Padilla

James Padilla

Index: 3.7

Freshman, Cypress College

“My favorite SCGA memory is when I volunteered as a standard bearer at the U.S. Open and got to watch many of the greats play.”

Support James!


Dylan Gass

Dylan Gass

Index: 10

Junior, Grand Canyon University

“One of my favorite SCGA Junior memories is being a coach and helping kids learn how to play golf!”

Support Dylan!


Momoka Takahashi

Momoka Takahashi

Index: 3.3

10th Grade, Cleveland High School

“My favorite SCGA Junior memory was when I was invited to play at Los Angeles Country Club. It was an amazing experience to play at the course that will hold the U.S. Open, and I made many memories.”

Support Momoka!


Andrew Rodriguez

Andrew Rodriguez

Index: +0.7

10th Grade, LA Serna High School

“My favorite SCGA memory has been playing the Los Angeles Country Club Play Day mentor outing with friends in SCGA Junior and the members.”


Nataliya Laciste

Index: 8

11th Grade, Kennedy High School

“My favorite SCGA Junior memory is going o play at Los Angeles Country Club at the Mentor Play Day with all of my friends!”

Support Nataliya!


Dallas Vega

Dallas Vega

Index: 5.5

11th Grade, Cleveland High School

“I love the game of golf for the camaraderie and being able to play with my friends and my brother and dad.”

Support Dallas!


Chloe Viray

Chloe Viray

Index: 0.2

10th Grade, La Serna High School

“I love golf because it provides an outlet for me to relax and rejuvenate from my day-to-day activities.”

Support Chloe!


Nayani  Lewis


Freshman, University of Maryland Eastern Shore

“My favorite memories of SCGA Junior are being being able to compete at Hillcrest and participating in the LPGA Leadership Program.”

Support Nayani!


Austin Vega

Austin Vega


9th Grade, Cleveland High School

“I love SCGA Junior because I am able to golf with my brother and friends!”

Support Austin!


Cristen Legaspi

Cristen Legaspi

Index: +1

Freshman, Cal State Long Beach

“My favorite memories of being a part of SCGA Junior were being able to play Wilshire CC and volunteering for the Palos Verdes Championship.”



Jonah Siu

Jonah Siu

Index: 8.1

12th Grade, La Salle College Preparatory

“I love golf because it has impacted my life in many ways. It has helped me to develop confidence, communication skills, integrity, critical thinking, decision-making and compassion.”

Support Jonah!


Mitzi Duarte

Mitzi Duarte

Index: +0.8

Freshman, UC Riverside

“I love being able to help kids learn and love the game of golf as a part-time coach for SCGA Junior’s Southeast LA community.”



Jetty Sinvongsay

Index: +1.5

Class of 2023, Cal State San Bernardino

“I am truly grateful for all the opportunities and people I have met through my years at SCGA Junior!”



Isaac Cabrera

Isaac Cabrera

Index: 2.6

12th Grade, Buena Park High School

“I love golf because I can use it as a place to improve my skills and creativity, as well as it being an escape place to clear my head.”



Evan Chien

Evan Chien

Index: +3

Junior, UC Los Angeles

“SCGA Junior has given me a strong belief that in golf, success isn’t measured by money, but rather the positive impact one has and can have on others, specifically helping juniors on the path toward healthy and bright adulthoods.”