Back To School

Back To School

SCGA Junior golf instructors have been given a unique homework assignment – one that has them packing up their (golf) bags and hustling to make the first-period bell. They have been tasked with helping several local secondary schools – John Glenn High School, Bell...

Aces Run Wild

Thanks to affordable access and more playing opportunities, our juniors have been busy on the course tuning up their games. As a result, scores have been lower – as low as they could possibly be… 1. Anthony’s 2-for-1 Special Incredibly, 8-year-old...
SoCal Junior Girls Showcase

SoCal Junior Girls Showcase

Playing alongside Hall of Famer Betsy King during the ANA Junior Inspiration in late March, Katherine Muzi soaked up all the knowledge she could. On April 2, Muzi — a Walnut High School junior and future USC Trojan — applied the imparted wisdom to her game and earned...
Equip and Fit

Equip and Fit

Most often, junior golfers are playing with clubs that are too long and heavy for their small frames. This prevents our youth from being able to create enough swing speed to send the ball a reasonable distance. With this perspective, we at SCGA Junior decided to take...
Off To College!

Off To College!

Remember your first college visit? On a beautiful, sprawling campus filled with endless hopes and dreams? It’s with that nostalgia in mind that we offered a unique opportunity to our high school aged juniors, with an emphasis on golf, of course. SCGA Junior members...