An Afternoon With World No. 1

An Afternoon With World No. 1

It’s the opportunity of a lifetime. Meet the person in the world who’s best at what you want to do with your life. For Jasmine and Diamond Lew, two teenagers from SCGA Junior, they received that opportunity last week, when the two aspiring professional golfers spent...
An Augusta Dream

An Augusta Dream

With the perfectly manicured Augusta National grass beneath his feet, SCGA Junior member Evan Chien graced the same lush fairways as Woods, Nicklaus and Palmer with adolescent exuberance. Evan had found heaven on earth. His introduction to life inside the ropes came...
The Reluctant Dreamer

The Reluctant Dreamer

Some are afforded once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. Others earn them. A few years back, Phillip Ortiz was diagnosed with a brain tumor and the forecast was not bright. That’s when Make-A-Wish Foundation reached out to the Ortiz family in hopes of bringing some...
Ol’ Reliable

Ol’ Reliable

“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr. If we had the ability to clone an ideal volunteer, Giovanni Sandoval’s DNA would be requested for study. His willingness to lend a hand separates himself from...